FGCC – for gentlemanly off-road cycling.

FGCC, The Findon Gentlemen’s Cycling Club, has been a part of the West Sussex community of Findon since 1993. We specialise in keeping ourselves to ourselves, and occasionally venturing out of the county of Sussex to bring an awareness of gentlemanly cycling to foreign parts. Although we all have mountain bikes our companionable rides are better described as off-road touring, enjoying the beauty of the South Downs irrespective of the weather or season.

Our membership can be counted upon to always uphold the standards of the Club. In addition, our friendly and helpful membership are always ready to assist other cyclists in distress, and answer any questions you may have about our company. Whether you need cheering up, a puncture mended, or just an encouraging word, we have what you need at prices you can afford.

At the FGCC, our goal is to provide you with courteous, expedient, professional service of the highest calibre, naturally whilst enjoying
ourselves and forgetting about the stresses of the modern world at the same time.
On the subject of stresses, members have found that the FGCC is an excellent means of dealing with what we refer to as the PLAGUE of stress that arises in different ways, though usually something to do with work, the PLAGUE being an acronym for:

Petty Little Annoying Gits Upsetting Events.
If you are experiencing a stressful situation due to the small mindedness of others, why not join us for a ride to enjoy fresh air, exercise and positive company of the FGCC with plenty of “vox testicularum” (aka talking b*****ks) to put things into perspective.
Browse our website for more information about the FGCC, or follow our blog for a flavour of what we do – see Pages on the blog for reports on rides and events.
Come and join the FGCC.
If you have any questions, or would like to put a question to a Findon Gentlemen’s Cycling Club representative regarding our activities and aims, please e-mail us at info@thefgcc.org.uk. Or turn up outside the butcher’s in downtown Findon at 08.00am on a Saturday, ready to ride. This is usually followed by a brek at a quality establishment such as Dee Dee’s in the village, the Findon Garden Centre or Shoreham Airport for example. However check the calendar in the events section first as we may be away on an overnight ride. In The FGCC, the gentlemanly off-road riding always comes first.